Simon Russell is an EMMY Award winning freelance composer from the UK, composing music in a diverse range of styles for both Film and TV productions.
2014 EMMY Awards

Marc Bryan-Brown Photography.
® 2014 Marc Bryan-Brown.
Simon was awarded an EMMY in 2014 for his original soundtrack to “Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer”, a documentary film by Mike Lerner and Maxim Pozdorovkin.
January 2013
Pussy Riot – A Punk Prayer documentary wins the Special Jury Prize at Sundance 2013 & is picked up for broadcast by HBO
review here
Pussy Riot – A Punk Prayer documentary premieres at Sundance – details here
An Angel At My Table – 1st of 2 episodes broadcasts on January 13th on BBC Radio 4
part 2 airs on 20th January at 3pm in the Classic Serial slot
Canimals begins a repeat run on ABC 3, Australia from 2nd January – it continues it’s run on CITV at 3.45pm weekdays
composing for a new tv series about women within the Roman Empire for BBC 4
composing for Victor Buhler’s documentary A Whole Lott More
December 2012
demo for new children’s series
more composing for Pussy Riot documentary
commissioned to compose music for a new art series
November 2012
Smash & Grab premieres at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) November 14th-25th
as does Rafea; Solar Mama (to which I contributed additional music)
The Gallery Of Lost Art website is also showing at IDFA
demo of SoundIron’s Angklung here
The Dark Ages; An Age Of Light – Episode 1 is broadcast on BBC4 on Tuesday 27th November at 9pm (Episodes 2 – 4 following on consecutive Tuesdays until 18th December)
composing for a BBC Radio 4 adaptation of Janet Frame’s An Angel At My Table
demo of SoundIron’s Mercury Boys Choir here
composing for a new documentary about the Egyptian 2011 revolution called The Square
commissioned to compose music for a film about the Russian band Pussy Riot
both The Square and Pussy Riot – A Punk Prayer have been selected for the 2013 Sundance film festival in the World Cinema category
October 2012
Le Donne – drama about women in the mafia airs on BBC Radio 4 from 1st-5th October in the “15 Minute Drama” slot at 10.45am and repeated at 19.45
demo for SoundIron’s new Drinking Piano here
Win A Baby airs on Channel 4 12th October
September 2012
Canimals airs on CITV from 3rd September, in Spain from the 12th and in Italy from October.
The amazing Tin-Tone Company have made me a guitar
There is a screening of 66 Months and a Q&A with director James Bluemel at the Phoenix Picture House, Oxford 17th Sept 6.30pm
August 2012
finished composing music for a 5 part BBC Radio 4 drama “Le Donne”
composing for a feature documentary “Solar Mama”
July 2012
music for Lost Art series for the Tate goes live July 2nd
commissioned to compose music for a 5 part BBC Radio 4 drama “Le Donne”
composing music for Victor Buhler’s documentary “A Whole Lott More”
June 2012
finished music for pilot of Counterfeit Cat cartoon. Made by Aardman for Disney.
demo of SoundIron’s new Erhu phrase library here
May 2012
commissioned to compose music for a new 4 part BBC series Age Of Light
writing music for a new Aardman pilot
finished work on a new online Tate exhibition “Lost Art”
demo for SoundIron’s new mini choral library here
April 2012
more composing for “Smash & Grab” & a new episode of Invite Mr. Wright in China
demo for SoundIron’s Venus Women’s Choir here
March 2012
composing music for Win A Baby – Channel 4 First Cut documentary
new SoundIron demo for Breaker
February 2012
composing for Havana Marking’s film “Smash And Grab”
new SoundIron demo for Tuned Artillery
The Impressionists shortlisted for an RTS award
my remix of Barry Adamson’s “Destination” here (“Plumbing The Depths”)