Simon Russell is an EMMY Award winning freelance composer from the UK, composing music in a diverse range of styles for both Film and TV productions.
2014 EMMY Awards

Marc Bryan-Brown Photography.
® 2014 Marc Bryan-Brown.
Simon was awarded an EMMY in 2014 for his original soundtrack to “Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer”, a documentary film by Mike Lerner and Maxim Pozdorovkin.
Dec 2010
composing music for “The Miracle Baby Of Haiti“
due to be broadcast on Channel 4 28th December 9.00pm
Nov 2010
commissioned to compose music for a new series of Animal Cops; Houston for Animal Planet
commissioned to compose music for a 4 part documentary series on Impressionism for BBC 2
Oct 2010
composing music for Invite Mr. Wright (Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Japan & Spain) – 6 part documentary series
Sept 2010
Cheetah Kingdom; new series following the work of David Houghton, who works with a dedicated team at the Africat Foundation in central Namibia overseeing the conservation of cheetahs and other big cats.
The 12 part series starts on ITV Friday 10th September at 8.00pm
Cutting Edge; The 9/11 Faker documentary about Tania Head repeated on September 12th Channel 4
Aug 2010
composed the music for a Sky TV music video for the launch of their 3D TV station
(airs October 2nd)
July 2010
composed the theme for a new 3 part Discovery history series “The Ancient X Files”
June 2010
contributed a track to Barney Broomfield’s new film “Albino United”. Shown on More4 8th June.
May 2010
commissioned to compose the music for a new 12 part ITV series "Cheetah Country" set in Namibia
April 2010
commissioned to compose music for a 6 part travel series on Singapore, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Spain and Malaysia
Vote Afghanistan! showing at the ICA Cinema 23rd-30th April, airs on More 4 27th April 10pm, showing at the Tricycle Theatre on 23rd July
March 2010
Baroque wins the RTS award for best Arts programme
- Royal Television Society Awards March 16th
- Baroque; From St. Peter to St. Paul’s nominated in the Arts category
- Afghan Star nominated in the Documentary category
Afghan Star to be broadcast on HBO – Thursday 18th March 9pm
writing music for episodes of The Bill
re-editing/composing music for the soundtrack album of the Blake’s 7 audio series
February 2010
My Boyfriend The MI5 Hoaxer to be broadcast on Channel 4 5th February 7.30 pm, pick of the day in Times / Financial Times / Independent / Guardian / Daily Express / Daily Telegraph / Daily Mail
January 2010
composing for an HBO commissioned follow up to Afghan Star "Setara’s Story" to be shown in March
The Candidate has now been re-named "Vote Afghanistan!" and there is a sneak preview here on 15th January
The Candidate and My Boyfriend The MI5 Hoaxer due to air early 2010
composing for an interactive site "Warriors"